Draw functions Graph can draw normal functions, parameter functions, and polar functions. It is also possible to do some mathematical calculations on the functions.

The program makes it very easy to visualize a function and paste it into another program. Anyone who wants to draw graphs of functions will find this program useful. Graph is an open source application used to draw mathematical graphs in a coordinate system.
#Graphing program free 3d full
You can now create animations that show what happens when a constant changesYou can now choose default settings for save as image optionsThe character map now has full Unicode support under Windows 2000/XPText labels may now be rotated vertical from the context menu under Windows 2000/XPYou can now specify an interception with the y-axis for the built-in trendlinesChinese (traditional), Mongolian, Swedish and Polish translations addedAdded option to scale the user interfaceThe Euler beta function has been renamed from B to Beta to make B available as a custom constant You can now create animations that show what happens when a constant changesYou can now choose default settings for save as image optionsThe character map now has full Unicode support under Windows 2000/XPText labels may now be rotated vertical from the context menu under Windows 2000/XPYou can now specify an interception with the y-axis for the built-in trendlinesChinese (traditional), Mongolian, Swedish and Polish translations addedAdded option to scale the user interfaceThe Euler beta function has been renamed from B to Beta to make B available as a custom constant Changes