Sex education refers to formal programs of… … Wikipedia Barbara Hastings Asatourian of the University of Salford demonstrates Contraception, a sex education board game played in UK schools.

For other uses see Sex Ed (disambiguation). Originally known as Prostitutes Anonymous, it was founded by Jody Williams in August 1987. Sex Workers Anonymous - is a 12 step support group for those wanting to leave the sex industry, or recover from its effects. Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous (SLAA) is a twelve step program for people recovering from what they call sex addiction and love addiction. Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous - Not to be confused with Sex Addicts Anonymous or Sexaholics Anonymous. Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) is an organization that describes itself as providing a twelve step program for recovery from what it calls sex addiction. Sex Addicts Anonymous - Not to be confused with Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous or Sexaholics Anonymous. Anonymous sex - is a form of one night stand or casual sex between people who have very little or no history with each other, often engaging in sexual activity on the same day of their meeting and usually never seeing each other again afterwards.